In exotic locations that take participants way out of the office, our facilitators create immersive experiences and offer mental models that enhance your abilities and relatioships.
Join us for an upcoming workshop, or allow us to create content for your unique needs.
Next Workshop: TBD, likely in late 2024 or early 2025.
Apply now--we look forward to learning about your goals and desires for participating.
Who: 8 - 20 participants, one facilitator (Jess Cisco), a private chef (for breakfast, lunch, and dinner), and two to three activity instructors: e.g., surf instructors, yoga instructors, etc. We will learn from and inspire each other throughout our rigorous yet restorative time together. Because this workshop is selective, a typical applicant should have a clear purpose for wanting to participate.
How Much: $TBD but typically $2,500/person. Your investment includes shuttle service from the airport to our hotel/workshop location and from the workshop location to the airport, lodging for three nights, facilitated activities and models, and meals during the workshop. (Note: If you are selected, you will need to submit a 50% deposit to secure your spot,. If the total investment is an issue for you or your firm, please let us know in your application. We want deserving individuals to have the opportunity to attend, regardless of their ability to make the full investment.) Separately from the cost of attendance, please budget for the cost of your airfare to and from our destination: we will take care of transport to and from the airport.
The gallery below shows some of the other locations that ActiveLeading frequents for leadership workshops.
Rincon, Puerto Rico, is one of's favorite locations for leadership training.
During our motorcycle tours, we see some of the most amazing sunsets, like this one on the Island of Santorini, Greece.
The famed peak in Zermatt, Switzerland, makes for a great backdrop for's leadership training.
Experience leadership training and the challenge of snowboarding. finds many challenges worthwhile in its quest for leadership-training opportunities.
Enjoy the open road.
A delicious burger after a day on the trails.
Leadership training is tiring, but the food that we enjoy during workshops is exceptional.
This is one of the beautiful lodging options during our Costa Rican workshops.