Tomorrow never comes. What are we waiting for?
Start now. Don't wait. Tomorrow never comes.
Why is it so hard to start, to put our ideas--to put ourselves--out there, where others can experience us? I've written hundreds of journal entries in my reflections journal. I've only posted a handful of them.
Why? I wait to post until I think that I've written something worth someone's time to read. I wait because I am not sure what I share is of value. I wait…I wait. The reasons don't matter: what matters is that I withhold my ideas, my thoughts.
What if someone out there might be thinking the same thoughts? Wouldn't they take comfort in knowing they are not alone?
I wait.
But although tomorrow never comes, today is here. I can ship my work. As you can tell now, because you are reading this post, I did ship my work today. If these words aren't helpful, perhaps they are not for you. If they are helpful, I've done a small part of adding value to others: the work that matters most in life.
What are you waiting for? Tomorrow never comes. Ship your own work now.
(If you need more inspiration than this small post offers, consider reading Seth Godin's new book The Practice: Shipping Creative Work.)